S.C.A.N. : Stop Child Abuse Now

Profile of a Killer...Literally
Child Abuse Statistics
Sex Offender Registry
S.C.A.N. Blog for Safety Tips
S.C.A.N. Blog
Contact Your Public Officials
How To Report Abuse
Parent Support Resources
Resources For Children and Teens


News for the Week of October 15, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to our site!  We're are doing our best, as quickly as we can, to get this site fully developed with a lot of useful links.  We hope to have links for resources of all kinds, including links for teens, adults, reporting abuse, a blog 'forum' for parenting questions, safety tips, and much more.  Keep checking on us and show your support! 
We are also on myspace and every week Heather puts up a blog entitled "Adults Behaving Badly" that showcases adults and their poor treatment of kids, using news stories.  We feel this is an important way to remind people that abuse happens often and everywhere.  We cannot turn away from the children who need our help.  We also post bulletins on missing kids, petitions concerning children, and the like.  Check us out at www.myspace.com/gasociety .
At this point in time, we are still a fledgling organization, but a highly motivated and dedicated one!  We hope to be fully functional next year with our own domain on the web, and non-profit incorporation.  Please stand at our side, support us, and keep every child in your hearts and minds. 
Thanks for taking the time to see what we're about.  With your help, we can make a difference in children's lives.
Heather Larson-Frederick
Chair - S.C.A.N.
Angela Michelle Harris
Co-Chair -  S.C.A.N.

Disclaimer:  We are just regular parents who are concerned for the welfare of all children.  All advice is parent to parent and is in no way intended to replace that of qualified professionals.  People must always use their own best judgment when applying advice, as not all situations are the same.  We are not responsible for the actions of anyone, whether or not they claim to be following our advice.